Be an international expert

A course with the Institute of International Experts can open doors to becoming a member of the global system of international experts with a path leading to a career as an international expert, with a good awareness of cultures, geopolitical influence and how to work together. Two prerequisites must be met before considering embarking on a career as an international expert: such as travel and dealing with foreign languages. A certain sense of adventure is also required.

Steps to become an international expert

Before entering the training program, each trainee must be accepted by the global system of international experts. This acceptance is done on file. The file to be completed by the trainee is sent to the local institute by the global system of international experts. This is the same file for assessing and recognizing the experience required of all candidates who wish to become an expert member of the global system of international experts. No trainee may be accepted for training before his file is accepted by the World Organization of International Experts, which undertakes to respond to the trainee admission request within 10 days of receiving the file.
The local institute transfers the files of the candidates to the global system of international experts, including its opinion on each of the files. Once the application has been analyzed, the global system of international experts will send to the local institute director a Certificate of Entry into Training for each successful candidate. Training Agreement: The training agreement must be signed no later than the first day of the training. This is a tripartite agreement signed by the representative of the local institute, the trainee or his legal representative, and the global system of international experts. The agreement covers the financial and legal aspects of training
The integration seminar aims to train experts with objectives related to international experience. It is aimed at candidates desiring to acquire a high level of scientific skills as well as in setting up and managing international projects and missions. It aims to produce scholarly knowledge on topics that lie at the heart of contemporary social, economic and political issues.
An expert recognized by his peers. The title of International Expert is only awarded by the Global System of International Experts in Geneva to any trainee who has demonstrated all required skills. This title is conferred by order only, and is not intended to become an academic value; It is not intended to be recognized by a university or state. A true expert is recognized by his peers.

Advantages of our training programs

International Experts institute

Advantages of membership of the International Experts Committee

The subscriber's accession to the Association

of International Experts and his inclusion in the lists of experts in the International Experts Association in Geneva. As soon as the training program is completed, the participant's data will be automatically included in the official website of the International Experts Association to access the international tasks and enter their platform. This platform provides the available international assignments, and the member experts are entitled to apply in those assignments. The platform also provides an opportunity for acquaintance between experts and the exchange of experiences.

The Commission issues to each subscriber

(International Expert’s Passport), which is a high-level honorary document that certifies its bearer of the quality of his international experience and records the international missions he was entrusted with and the educational courses completed by a seal of the International Experts Commission. This document can facilitate travel procedures And move to the expert.

The subscriber obtains the International Experts

Training Certificate issued by the Institute of International Experts in France and is endorsed according to the Hague Convention for Documentation Works Hauge Apostille

The international expert has

the right to use any of the facilities of the International Experts Association in Geneva to hold his meetings as an affiliate member

The subscriber gets an e-mail address

(in his name) associated with the Authority; Experts assist in the completion and quality of their correspondence with national and international bodies as international experts and associate members of the Authority, such as:

With a license from the Commission

each participant obtains a special seal in his name as an international expert member; He uses it as his own tag on all his official papers.

It is possible that the international expert

through his participation in the commission's programs and tasks, aspires to join the commission's academy or to obtain a functional role within the commission as a consultant or as a member of the jury, or other promotion and development opportunities available to him as an international expert.

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