About International Experts institute

It is a professional scientific institution whose goal is to train experts who are able to work in all member states of the United Nations and in all situations and situations. And various disciplines, keen to adapt to the globalization of business to meet the growing needs of contractors, investors, governments, donors and others.

The Institute seeks to develop performance and improve the quality and integrity of international expertise. It targets high-ranking individuals and institutions to be able to provide services and consultations globally with high efficiency, to adapt to the times and its challenges, to use international concepts correctly, and to understand the sensitivity of conflicts in countries suffering from conflicts.

The Institute offers specialized training courses and a service for validating the acquired experience (VAE) for experts who wish to develop or adopt their skills in international trade or provide expertise and consultancy in various fields at the local and international levels

About Ordre des expert Internationaux – Suisse

It is a non-governmental organization, with its global and sole headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Commission includes experts from all countries and various fields and specializations, and all experts registered in its lists belong to member countries of the United Nations Organization.

The Commission is independent, impartial, without profit, and does not belong to any particular country, ideology, or political system. The Commission does not distinguish between any nationality, religion, or race.

It receives those wishing to join it from different countries of the world and various disciplines after undergoing the necessary assessments and meeting the criteria in the applicants, which makes it easier for donors and those looking for international experts and providers of international missions from international organizations, governments and others, to find experts according to the required specializations

L’ORDRE MONDIAL DES EXPERTS INTERNATIONAUX is constantly developing training centers in all regions of the world that request its services. Where each decentralized institute offers comprehensive courses in all fields, tailored to the needs of experts and closely linked to regional activities and markets.,

L’ORDRE MONDIAL DES EXPERTS INTERNATIONAUX works locally with partners who are trusted associations or trusted institutions. The Trust Society label and the Trust Institute label are only awarded by the World System Council of International Experts. You will find the list of Trusted Organizations as well as Trusts in the tab dedicated to this purpose

President’s Speech

Voici la lettre de notre président aux nouveaux membres experts :

Bienvenue dans l’Ordre Mondial des Experts Internationaux !

C’est toujours un plaisir d’accueillir de nouveaux membres dans l’ordre. Vous avez consacré du temps, vous avez travaillé, à l’écoute de vos formateurs, pour obtenir le titre d’expert international. Ce titre est donc mérité. Et vous pouvez en être fiers. Il vous reste maintenant à le rendre actif grâce aux missions que vous saurez trouver et accomplir.

Être international, c’est affronter des cultures différentes, c’est accepter des modes de vie, des modes de pensée qui ne sont pas ceux auxquels nous somment habitués.

Être expert international, membre de l’ordre des experts internationaux, c’est partager des valeurs : le respect, l’ouverture aux autres, l’humilité, l’honnêteté, la tolérance. L’expert agit au profit des populations locales, il participe à un développement plus juste, plus égalitaire, plus durable du monde. À ce titre, l’expert est là pour servir. Ses qualités humaines sont aussi importantes que ses qualités d’expertise.

Devenir membre de l’ordre des experts internationaux c’est accepter ces grandes taches qui vous attendent. C’est participer à un avenir plus juste d’un monde mieux partagé. C’est œuvrer dans le sens de la paix mondiale et des 17 objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU. C’est un grand honneur pour vous. C’est un grand devoir aussi.

Et je vous remercie à l’avance d’en être digne.

Le Président

Jacques Vialat

The Institute of International Experts is a leading educational, consulting and research institution aiming to enhance knowledge and develop capabilities in multiple fields. The institute is distinguished by organizing high-quality training courses and interactive workshops to develop specific skills and specializations. The institute also conducts advanced research and studies that contribute to scientific and technological development. The Institute also works to organize international conferences and seminars to exchange experiences and enhance scientific cooperation. Thanks to its expertise and specialized consultations, the Institute provides technical support and consultations to institutions and governments to achieve transformation and development in local and global societies.


Organizing training courses and workshops


Conducting research and studies


Organizing conferences and seminars


Providing consultations and technical support



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