About Us


About Us
We Are Leading international experts institutes

It is a professional scientific institution whose goal is to train experts who are able to work in all member states of the United Nations and in all situations and situations. And various disciplines, keen to adapt to the globalization of business to meet the growing needs of contractors, investors, governments, donors and others.

The Institute seeks to develop performance and improve the quality and integrity of international expertise. It targets high-ranking individuals and institutions to be able to provide services and consultations globally with high efficiency, to adapt to the times and its challenges, to use international concepts correctly, and to understand the sensitivity of conflicts in countries suffering from conflicts.


Voici la lettre de notre président aux nouveaux membres experts

Welcome to the global body of international experts!
It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to the International Panel of Experts in Geneva. You dedicated your time, worked hard and listened to your coaches to earn you the title of International Expert.

Therefore, you deserve this title. And you can be proud of it. Now you have to make it active thanks to the tasks that you will be able to find and complete.
Being international means encountering different cultures, it is accepting lifestyles and ways of thinking that are not the ones we are used to.

– President –
Jack Vialett

ABOUT THE International Experts Committee - Switzerland

It is a non-governmental organization

with its global and sole headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Commission includes experts from all countries and various fields and specializations, and all experts registered in its lists belong to member countries of the United Nations Organization.

The Commission is independent, impartial, without profit, and does not belong to any particular country, ideology, or political system. The Commission does not distinguish between any nationality, religion, or race


It receives those wishing to join it from different countries of the world and various disciplines after undergoing the necessary assessments and meeting the criteria in the applicants, which makes it easier for donors and those looking for international experts and providers of international missions from international organizations, governments and others, to find experts according to the required specializations

L’ORDRE MONDIAL DES EXPERTS INTERNATIONAUX works locally with partners who are trusted associations or trusted institutions. The Trust Society label and the Trust Institute label are only awarded by the World System Council of International Experts. You will find the list of Trusted Organizations as well as Trusts in the tab dedicated to this purpose











Commitment & Respect

Transparency & Tolerance

Integrity & Openness

Who is International Expert

In this era of globalization, international exchanges are increasing, borders are shrinking, and cultures are converging

A position that encourages international institutions, companies, NGOs, public services, ministries, embassies, banks, etc. Invite international experts, whatever their areas of expertise.

International experts are men and women of all nationalities, who have gained a great deal of experience in their profession and have demonstrated professional integrity. They are expert members of the global system of international experts in Geneva. are willing to go abroad; They have been trained in intercultural communication.


International experts are able to provide advice, enlighten decision makers, suggest solutions or plans, and establish relationships, methods, and resources for the problems they are assigned, and they provide to donors

. The orders solicit them for proposals to implement optimal and sustainable solutions for the benefit of the local population and in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

International experts can be recruited either by a country, an NGO, a company, a public service, or an international organization; The United Nations may resort to experts to study the practical measures that would be desirable to adopt in order to implement its recommendations; The same applies to the European Commission, banks (the World Bank or regional banks), NGOs or any other international organisation. They may also be called upon to act on behalf of multinational companies. They will apply to the positions of Project Coordinator, Chief of Missions or Senior International Civil Service Officer.