Press review – Le Dauphiné Libéré: eight international experts from five countries, in training at Fontaine

Eight international experts representing five countries (Belgium, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Morocco and Senegal) were training at Fonte, learning to seek and implement international expertise missions in accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Félix Amari, Henri-Bertrand Audrey, Marceline Pinto, Mohamed El-Muraif, Jamila Hajal, Masoud Abdelaziz Kamjat, Honore Oko and Djibril Sall were invited to go to the United Nations in Geneva at the end of their training.

Variety of areas of expertise

These eight international experts with very diverse disciplines (education, sustainable development, construction, public works, research, energy efficiency, teaching, banking, financial auditing, public health, sepsis, economic intelligence, land management, etc.) Training to complete international missions.

Each country has its own experts who carry out the national tasks to which they are called. But there is a shortage of trained international experts. This deficiency is becoming more apparent as the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals become vital to the future of the planet as well as the future of humanity

The Institute of International Experts CQFD 3 quai du Drac (Fontaine) trains them, and allows them to undertake assignments, to become members of the Global System of International Experts (OMEI) in Geneva, and to be registered in the roster of international experts.

The President of the Institute noted: Jacques Viallat during the meeting held on Thursday in Fontaine come experts who have been trained by the Institute of international experts from all over the world. They are mainly francophones. French is still a widely spoken language in the world and makes it possible to obtain international assignments, which will be confirmed by the next Francophone conference to be held in November in Tunisia. These same Fontaine-trained experts will have the opportunity in December in Paris to visit the National Assembly and the Senate as examples of democratic institutions. Through exchange between different cultures and meeting between peoples, we direct our steps towards world peace.

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